Links to seventeen annotated games
from the tournament are collected below. You can view
each game in a number of formats, including as an
HTML webpage; as a PGN
file to download and view with
your favorite software (free PGN viewers include Arena, Chessbase
Light, Chesspad,
and Winboard);
as a text file PGN (in case you have trouble accessing
regular PGN files due to security restrictions on your
system, you can convert this text file to PGN by
simply saving with a “.pgn” extension); as a JAVA board
to play through the game and notes online (thanks to Palview);
as a Microsoft Word document so you can add your own
notes and print easily; or as an Adobe PDF file
for easiest printing (for which you need the free Adobe
Updated 05.01.2005 |
Contact Michael