Book Reviews
Before you run out and buy that latest chess
book, take a moment to see if it has been reviewed.
Watson at TWIC
Should it surprise us that one of the best chess writers is also one of the
best reviewers? Watson tries to review a wide range of books and does so with
some regularity. I have generally found his analysis to be first rate and very
useful. Worth reading regularly.
Elburg at ChessMail
Despite the mangled English (which is rather charming, actually), these are
excellent reviews. Like Watson, Elburg often includes a game from the book
itself with his additional commentary — which proves what a strong analyst
he is. Worth reading regularly.
Book Reviews
The name says it all. These reviews are very good, by strong players and coaches.
Geared especially toward coaches and those learning the game, but there are
a broad range of books covered.
Bauer’s Revealing Reviews
Bauer writes for a number of online outlets. His website contains reviews and
lots of other interesting stuff.
Book Reviews
A great collection of reviews, generally written by and for average to expert
Silman and Friends
The reviews at Silman’s site are generally quite good and by strong players.
Book Reviews
The link above is to the latest review. You can find older ones in the Book
Review Archives. They use a range of reviewers (some excellent and others
less so), and they even invite readers to try their hand. If interested, write
Pugh at IECG
Though the reviews seem to drop off after 2002, they are all very useful and
good and may cover books still on the market.
ChessReviews (English)
Very smart, insightful, and unabashedly critical reviews.
Donnelly’s Reviews
These are quite thoughtful reviews of books and CDs that don’t get a lot of
attention elsewhere in many cases. The author seems to have sat down and written
about all the recent books in his library. Wish more chessplayers would do
that so the rest of us would know what to buy!
Chess Club’s Reviews
A good collection of reviews and links to reviews of somewhat older books —
but reviewed by great writers generally.
Square Book Reviews
A great listing of book reviews.
Chess Magazine
Brief and sometimes too uniformly positive, these reviews nonetheless are often
informative and easy to search through if you are looking for something specific.