Constitution of the Kenilworth Chess Club

Article I. Name
The full name of this organization shall be “The Kenilworth Chess Club.”

Article II. Objectives
The objectives of this organization shall be:

  • To promote chess in Kenilworth and the surrounding area
  • To provide the opportunity for chess play on a regular basis.
  • To conduct tournaments and other chess activities open to all.
  • To provide chess instruction.

Article III. Membership
Membership is open to anyone, provided she or he agrees to the payment of club dues as provided in Article IV below, and agrees to the rules and regulations of the club as stated in this document. Minors age 14 and under must be accompanied by a parent or Gaurdian.

Article IV. Dues and Fees
The dues for annual membership shall be paid as of January 1st. This does not include any special fees for tournaments, simultaneous exhibitions, or other special activities; the fees for which are to be set at the discretion of the club officers. Furthermore, the annual membership fee shall not be changed except with the concurrence of a majority of the members present at a scheduled meeting for that purpose. Students age 21 and under and those who join the club after June 30 will receive a 50% discount.

  1. Article V. Officers of the club
    There shall be five officers of the club: President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer and Tournament Director. Each must be a dues paid member for his term of office. Any member of the club is qualified to serve in any office. In addition 4 members at large are selected.
  2. The duties of the President and Vice-President shall include presiding over each meeting, conducting the meetings of the club, providing guidance to the club to meet the goals as stated in Article II and to confer with the Secretary and Treasurer. The Vice-President acts in the President’s stead.
  3. The Club Secretary will correspond and conduct public relations to meet the goals as stated in Article II and to take minutes of club meetings.
  4. The duties of the treasurer shall include the keeping of all financial and membership records; collecting all dues; accepting contributions; handling all financial transactions; paying all expenses duly agreed upon by the officers and members; maintaining the club bank account; and from time to time reporting to the officers and members the state of the club treasury.
  5. The tournament director shall run all official club tournaments unless otherwise decided by the president or vice president.
  6. The Members at Large shall assist the president and vice president at various club functions as required.
  7. Officers shall be elected by majority vote of the membership at the agreed upon time, full advance notice of said elections being given. Any member is eligible to hold office. A special election is to be held on the petition of a majority of the membership.

Article VI. Meetings
Club meetings shall be held every Thursday night between the hours of 8:00P.M. and midnight, holidays excluded, at the Kenilworth Community Center, unless the officers shall designate another time and or place for said meeting. At such meetings, the officers shall bring to the attention of the membership all club business that they see fit. Furthermore, it is the right of any member to raise any topic for discussion deemed appropriate by the majority present. The main purpose of each meeting, however, is the opportunity of chess play amongst the membership. The annual Business meeting will be held the last Thursday before Christmas. Club elections will be held at this meeting. More frequent formal meetings of the officers or the entire club may be called by the president as needed. The format for formal meetings will include:

I Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting
II Officers’ Statements
III Old Business
IV New Business
V Closing

In order to transact club business a quorum of a majority of the dues-paying members in good standing must be present. A member in good standing is one who does not have any club sanction imposed on him.

During tournament and club activities, members and visitors are expected to adhere to the “USCF Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct” as stated in the most recent USCF Official Rules of Chess. In addition members and visitors should refrain from annoying, loud, vulgar or obscene language and or behavior.

Members who violate either the Kenilworth Chess Club’s rules and regulations or the USCF’s Code of Ethics and Standards of conduct are subject to any or all of the following sanctions: warning, reprimand, suspension, and expulsion. Depending on his/her offense, a member maybe suspended and or expelled from Kenilworth Chess Club’s and or the USCF’s activities. Warnings or reprimands may be given out by club officers. Suspensions must be approved by a 2/3 majority of club officers, including the members at large. Expulsion must be approved by 2/3 of the officers and a majority of the membership (including officers. The senior club officer present may at his descretion remove any member whose conduct endangers the safety of other members, or the well being of the club.

This constitution may be changed or amended by a two-thirds vote of the entire membership.

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Updated 03-22-2005 | Contact The Kenilworth Chess Club