NJKO vs. Queens Pioneers
US Chess League 2008, Round 2
The New Jersey Knockouts fell 1-3 to the Queens Pioneers in Round 2 of US Chess League action last night. In a complete reverse of last week, Joel Benjamin had a fine win on Board One but the lower boards were thoroughly outplayed and eventually succumbed to blunders.
Benjamin-NJ (2644) – DSchneider-QNS (2508) [C80]
ICC 90 30 u/Internet Chess Club (2) 2008
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5.
17. Ng5! Rb8 18. e6 fxe6 19. Bxh7!?
19. bxc3 h6! 20. Bxc6 (20. Bg6+?! Ke7 21. Ne4 Bd6 22. Nxd6?! cxd6 23. Ba3 b4)
20… Bxc6 21. Nxe6
19… Ne5?!
19… Rxh7! 20. Nxh7 c2 21. Rd2 Nd4
20. bxc3 Rf8 21. Ne4 Ba7 22. Ba3 Rh8 23. Ng5 a5 24. Rab1 c5 25. Re1!? b4
27. Rxb8+ Bxb8 28. Rxc5 Ke7 29. Rxa5 Bf4 30. Bd3 Bxh2+ 31. Kf1
27… Rb6 28. Nxe6 Bxe6 29. Rxe6+ Rxe6 30. Rxe6+ Kd8 31. Bg6 c4 32. Ra6 Bb8 33. g3 Rf8 34. Rxa5 Rf3 35. Rxa3 Bd6 36. Ra8+ Ke7 37. Ra7+ Ke6 38. Kg2 Rxc3 39. Rxg7 Kf6 40. Rd7 Be5 41. Be4 Rc1 42. f4 Ke6 43. Rd8 Bb2 44. Rd2 c3 45. Re2
Black resigns.
1-0Vovsha-QNS (2532) – Molner-NJ (2397) [B07]
ICC 90 30 u/Internet Chess Club (2) 2008
1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 g6 4. Be3 c6 5. h3 Nbd7 6. Nf3 Qc7 7. a4 Bg7 8. Be2
12. Qd6 Qxd6 13. Nxd6 Nf8 14.
21. Bxf6+!?
21. Nxc8+! Raxc8 22. Rxd7+! Rxd7 23. Bxf6+
21… Nxf6 22. Nf5+ exf5 23. Rxd8 bxa5 24. exf5 gxf5 25. Na4
Black resigns
1-0Ju-NJ (2292) – Lenderman-QNS (2528) [B01]
ICC 90 30 u/Internet Chess Club (2) 2008
1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Qxd5 3. Nc3 Qa5 4. d4 c6 5. Bc4 Nf6 6. Nf3 Bg4 7. h3 Bh5 8. g4 Bg6 9. Bd2 Qb6 10. Bb3 e6 11. Qe2 Bb4
17. Ne5!?=
17… Nh5!? 18. Nh4 Bd6 19. Qg4 Bf4 20. Be3 Nb6 21. Nxg6 hxg6 22. Ne2 Nd5 23. Bxd5 Bxe3+ 24. fxe3 cxd5 25. Rf1 Kb8 26. Rf3 Rd7 27. Rdf1 a6 28. Kb1 Re8 29. Nc1?!
Going passive.
29… e5 30. dxe5 Rxe5 31. Qb4 f6 32. gxf6 Nxf6 33. Rg1 Re4 34. Qb3 Rc4 35. Rxg6 Ne4 36. Qd3 Qh2 37. Nb3 Rdc7 38. Rf8+ Ka7 39. Nd4 Qxh3 40. Ka2 Qh7 41. Re6??
41. Rg2
41… Rxc2 42. Qxc2 Rxc2 43. Nxc2 Nc5 44. Nd4 Nxe6 45. Nxe6 Qe4
White resigns
0-1Katz-QNS (2108) – Shen-NJ (2265) [B48]
ICC 90 30 u/Internet Chess Club (2) 2008