Here are the rules of the tournament:
- 5 to 7 rounds. 2 sections: Championship & Reserve.
- The Championship Section will be a 6 to 8 player Round-Robin. Participants will include the top 4-6 rated players entered plus the 2016 Kenilworth CC Champion. The 2016 Reserve Section winner may also play in this section, if he so chooses.
- The Reserve Section will be a Swiss or RR & be the same length as the Championship Section.
- G/75 with 5 second delay time control.
- Rounds will commence at 8:30 p.m. on January 12, 19 & 26 + February 2 & 9. If 6th & 7th rounds is necessary, they will be played on February 23rd & March 2nd.
- Postponed games from Rounds 1-5 will be made-up on February 16. Postponed games from rounds 6-7 would be made-up on March 9.
- Cost: $10 entry fee + dues + $5 anti-forfeit deposit = $35 for most players.
- KCC membership is required. Dues for 2016 are $10 for age 17 or less, $10 for those age 65+, $20 for everyone else.
- Prizes: 100% of EF returned. Amounts & distribution are TBD. They will be based on the number of entries.
- Register with Treasurer Geoff McAuliffe during our 1/5 meeting and or before 8:25 p.m. on 1/12 @ Kenilworth Community Center, 575 Boulevard, Kenilworth, N.J.
- Late-joins allowed prior to round 2, at the TD’s & Club President’s discretion. For example: The late-joiner would make an even number of players in a section.
- The Tournament Committee reserves the right to make changes as are deemed necessary for the good maintenance of the tournament.
John Moldovan won last year. Other past Champions include LM Scott Massey (who has won the title 12x!!), Rene Ray (1996), FM Steve Stoyko (2005, 2006, 2007), LM Mark Kernighan (2008, 2015), IM Yaacov Norowitz (2009), LM Arthur Macaspac (2010, 2012), NM Ken Chieu (2011) and IM Praveen Balakrishnan (2013, 2014).
Round by round coverage of the tournament will be posted on the KCC Tournaments Blog and/or the Chess Coroner Blog.
For stories of past championships, see the 2005 Club Championship website, 2006 Championship website, the Chess Coroner Blog and the KCC Tournaments Blog.
January 19 – Club Championship: Round 2, 8:30 p.m.
January 26 – Club Championship: Round 3, 8:30 p.m.
February 2 – > – Club Championship: Round 4, 8:30 p.m.
February 18-20 – 46th annual U.S. AMATEUR TEAM EAST at the Parsippany Hilton, 1 Hilton
Ct., Parsippany
, N.J.
In 2005,
Kenilworth A (FM Steve Stoyko, LM Ed Allen, LM Scott Massey, Michael Goeller and Bob Rose) won the Best NJ Team award.
In 2007,
the A team played at Board #1 in round 5 but lost a close match to the eventual tournament winner Beavis and Butt-Vinnik.
In 2008,
they went 5-1, losing only to the notorious “GGGg” that had 3 GMs and was ineligible for the USAT playoffs.
In 2010,
the team entered round six at 5-0 but lost to Cambridge Springers.
In 2013, Knightmare 3, featuring Stoyko, Massey, NM Praveen Balakrishnan and Dr. Ian Mangion, came within 1 move of winning it all, lost to Princeton University A and had to settle for Best NJ team award. The Kenilworth CC Niners (LM Mark Kernighan, John Moldovan, Greg Tomkovich and Dr. Geoff McAuliffe) tied for 1st among U1900 teams.
In 2014, The Kenilworth CC Niners (Kernighan, Moldovan, Tomkovich, McAuliffe and Dan Komunicky) again tied for 1st among U1900 teams.
Maybe 2016 will be the victory year. Stop by to visit if you are not playing. It is a great event.
February 16 – Club Championship: Round 5, 8:30 p.m.
February 23 – Club Championship: Postponements from rounds 1-5.
March 2 – Club Championship: Round 6, 8:30 p.m. & Garden State Chess League match: Westfield vs. Hamilton
March 9 – Club Championship: Round 7, 8:30 p.m.
March 16 – Club Championship: Postponements from rounds 6-7, if necessary.
March 23 – Kenilworth Spring Swiss: Round 1.
Here are the rules of the tournament:
- Non-rated.
- 3-round Swiss.
- Time control: G/40;d5.
- 1 game per week.
- Rounds to start at 8:30 p.m. on March 23rd, March 30th & April 6th.
- Registration 8:00-8:25 p.m. on March 23rd.
- 1 half-point bye per player allowed. Late-joins accepted.
- Entry fee: Free for members, $1 Non-members.
March 30 – Kenilworth Spring Swiss: Round 2.
April 6 – Kenilworth Spring Swiss: Round 3.
April 13 – Officers/Trustees Meeting and Casual Chess, provided both rooms are available. If the front room is being used by another group, we’ll have a members meeting followed by casual chess.
April 20 – Swap Meet. Trade & sale of chess books by club members.
April 27 – New Jersey Open Qualifier, Round 1.

May 4 – New Jersey Open Qualifier, Round 2.
May 11 – New Jersey Open Qualifier, Round 3.
May 18 – New Jersey Open Qualifier, Round 4.
May 25 – New Jersey Open Qualifier, Round 5.
June 1 – Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 1 of 14.

Here are the rules of the tournament:
- The tournament will run from June 1 through August 31.
- The event is non-rated.
- Entry Fee is $5 for club members, $7 for non-members. $5 of each EF goes into the prize fund.
- The time control is G/60.
- G/55+5 (delay) may be used if there is mutual agreement between paired players. Increment settings are not allowed.
- You may play anyone who is entered. The first time you play an opponent, the lower rated or unrated player has White. In subsequent games against the same opponent you alternate colors. If both players are unrated or have identical ratings, they toss for initial color.
- You may not play the same opponent more than four times in the tournament.
- Games may begin at 8:00 p.m. in weeks 1-3 (June 1-15), 7:30 p.m. in weeks 4-14 (June 22-Aug. 31). No game may start later than 9:30 p.m.
- You may play up to 2 games per week. You may play those games simultaneously. You can skip weeks but the more you play the more points you can accumulate.
- You get one point for a win, a half-point for a draw and zero for a loss. No bye points are awarded.
- The winner is the person who has the most points at the end of the tournament.
- Prizes: 1st place: 50%. 2nd place: 30%. 3rd place: 10%. U1600: 10%. The top-scoring Kenilworth CC member will receive free entry to the 2017 NJ Open, courtesy of the NJSCF. The winner of our April 27-May 25 qualifier cannot win another free entry.
- Registration closes on July 27th. However, if there is an overwhelming turnout, the TD may cut-off entries as early as July 6th.
- Bring clocks. The club has a limited number for use.
John Moldovan won last year & in 2008. Other past winners of this popular event include LM Scott Massey (2004), LM Mark Kernighan (2005, 2011), Greg Tomkovich (2006), Ari Minkov (2007, 2010), Ian Mangion (2009) and Bob Sherry (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015).
June 8 – Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 2.
June 15 – Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 3.
June 22 – Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 4.
June 29 – Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 5.
July 6 – Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 6.
July 13 – Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 7.
July 20 – Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 8.
July 27 – Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 9.
August 3 – Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 10.
August 10 – Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 11.
August 17 – Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 12.
August 24 – Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 13.
August 31 – Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 13.
September 7 – Casual Chess. Return to 8:00 p.m. starting time.
September 14 – Garden State Chess League Business Meeting & Casual Chess.
September 21 – Casual Chess.
September 28 – Kenilworth Anniversary Tournament: Round 1, 8:30 p.m.

Here are the rules of the tournament:
- 5 round swiss.
- Time Control: G/55 with 5 second delay time control.
- Register: On-site from 8:00 to 8:25 p.m. on 9/28 @ Kenilworth Community Center, 575 Boulevard, Kenilworth, NJ 07033
- Rounds: 8:30 p.m. on September 28; October 5, 12, 19 & 26. 1 game per week.
- Entry fee: $10 Kenilworth Chess Club members, $12 non-members.
- KCC dues for the remainder of 2016 are $5 for those age 18-64, $2.50 for everyone else.
- Prizes b/20: 1st $57, 2nd $40, U2000 $30.02, U1700 $30.01, U1400 $30.00
- 2 half-point byes per player allowed. Must commit before round 4.
- USCF-membership through 10/31/2017 is required.
- October ratings will be used.
- Info/Contact:
- Side event: 5-round, non-rated swiss. No EF or prizes.
October 5 – Kenilworth Anniversary Tournament: Round 2
October 12 – Kenilworth Anniversary Tournament: Round 3
October 19 – Kenilworth Anniversary Tournament: Round 4
October 26 – Kenilworth Anniversary Tournament: Round 5
November 2 – Kenilworth Chess Club 45th Anniversary Party
November 9 – To be announced.
November 16 – Kenilworth Rating Tournament: Round 1, 8:30 p.m.

Here are the rules of the tournament:
- 3 round swiss.
- Time Control: G/55 with 5 second delay time control.
- Register: On-site from 8:00 to 8:25 p.m. on 11/16 @ Kenilworth Community Center, 575 Boulevard, Kenilworth, NJ 07033
- Rounds: 8:30 p.m. on November 16, 30 and December 7. 1 game per week.
- Entry fee: $1
- No prizes.
- 2 half-point byes per player allowed.
- USCF-membership through 12/31/2017 is required.
- $6 One-tournament USCF memberships available for adults who have never been USCF members.
- Info/Contact:
- Side event: 3-round, non-rated swiss. No EF or prizes.
November 23 – NO MEETING. Closed for Thanksgiving.
November 30 – Kenilworth Rating Tournament: Round 2
December 7 – Kenilworth Rating Tournament: Round 3
December 14 – Lecture by Life Master Scott Massey on “How To Teach Chess”.

Scott has been instrumental in developing many of NJ’s top young players including IM Victor Shen, IM Arthur Shen, FM Brandon Jacobson, FM Aaron Jacobson, CM Eric Yuhan Li and Alex Hu. Learn how he taught them!
Admission: $5 Kenilworth & Westfield CC members, $7 non-members. Free to Scott’s students.
December 21 – Holiday Party and Business Meeting.
December 28 – Casual chess.
Updated 12.28.2017 |
Contact The Kenilworth Chess Club